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<template> <view class="content"> <view class="padding"> <view class="logoCon"> <view class="logo"> <image src="@/static/images/logo.png" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="name">事务通</view> </view>
<view class="from"> <view class="formItem flex"> <view class="prefix">+86</view> <view class="line"></view> <view class="inputBox"> <up-input v-model="" border="none" placeholder="请输入手机号"></up-input> </view> </view> <view class="formItem flex"> <view class="inputBox"> <up-input v-model="FormData.code" border="none" placeholder="输入验证码"></up-input> </view> <view class="sedCode" @click="goSms">{{codeText}}</view> </view> <view class="oneBtnBox" :class="{isActive: btnHighlight}"> <oneBtn text="登 录" @click="submitFn" ></oneBtn> </view> </view> <privacyRadion style="margin-top: 40rpx;" :isCheck="isCheck" @changeRadio="changeRadio"/> <view class="other"> <view class="lineTxt">其它登录方式</view> <view class="icon" @click="$goPage('/pages/subPage/login/loginwx')"> <image src="@/static/images/loginicon.png" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="txt">快捷登录</view> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> import { getLoginCode } from '@/config/api.js' export default { data() { return { FormData: { phone: '', code: '' }, codeText: '获取验证码', codeOn: false, isCheck: false } }, computed: { isPhone() { return uni.$ }, btnHighlight() { return this.isPhone&&this.FormData.code*1>999 } }, methods: { // 是否选择协议
changeRadio(val) { uni.hideKeyboard(); this.isCheck = val }, getLoginCodeFn() { getLoginCode }, // 发送短信验证码
goSms() { uni.hideKeyboard(); const { FormData } = this if (! return this.$u.toast('请输入手机号'); if (!this.isPhone) return this.$u.toast('手机号格式有误'); if (this.codeOn) return this.codeOn = true; getLoginCode({ scene: 1, mobile:, }).then(()=>{ var time = 60; this.codeText = time + "秒后重新发送" var timer = setInterval(() => { time--; this.codeText = time + "秒后重新发送" if (time == 0) { clearInterval(timer); this.codeText = "获取验证码"; this.codeOn = false; } }, 1000); }).catch(()=>{ this.codeOn = false; }) // 获取验证码
}, // 提交代码
async submitFn() { uni.hideKeyboard(); if(!this.btnHighlight) return if(!this.isCheck) return this.$u.toast('请勾选产品协议与隐私政策'); let obj = { mobile:, code: this.FormData.code } const res = await loginSMS(obj) // await this.$store.dispatch('getUserInfo')
uni.switchTab({ url: '/pages/tabbar/index/index' }) } } } </script>
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