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<script setup> import carStore from '@/store/modules/car.js' let usecarStore = carStore() import { examProcessInfo } from '@/config/api.js' import { ref } from 'vue' import { onLoad, } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import tab1 from './comp/tab1.vue' import tab2 from './comp/tab2.vue' import tab3 from './comp/tab3.vue' import tab4 from './comp/tab4.vue' const value = ref(false) const currentNav = ref(0) const nodes = ref('') function changeNav(val, index) { currentNav.value = index console.log(index) console.log(dataList.value[index]) nodes.value = dataList.value[index]?dataList.value[index].content: '<p>暂无内容</p>' } let style = { img: 'max-width:100%;height:auto', p: 'font-size:32rpx', } onLoad((option) => { if ( currentNav.value = examProcessInfoFn() }) const tabData = ref([{ name: '考试简介', id: 0 }, { name: '考试准备', id: 1 }, { name: '考试流程', id: 2 }, { name: '注意事项', id: 3 }, ]) const dataList = ref([]) async function examProcessInfoFn() { const {data:res} = await examProcessInfo( usecarStore.carInfo.stepType) if(!res.length) return dataList.value = res nodes.value = res[currentNav.value]?res[currentNav.value].content: '<p>暂无内容</p>' } </script>
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min-height: 100vh; // padding: 0rpx 30rpx 30rpx 30rpx;
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