<template> <view class="page-content"> <!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN --> <!-- <u-navbar title="人脸识别" :is-back="true" :background="{backgroundColor: '#ffffff'}"></u-navbar> --> <topNavbar title="人脸识别"></topNavbar> <!-- #endif -->
<view class="containerV"> <view class="headerV"> <view class="top-tips1"> <view>请将正对手机,头部匹配摄像区域</view> </view> <view class="top-tips2"> 为了便于识别认证,请拍摄本人头像 </view> </view> <!-- <u-circle-progress active-color="#2979ff" :percent="80"> --> <view class="contentV"> <view class="mark"></view> <image v-if="tempImg" mode="widthFix" :src="tempImg" /> <camera v-if='isAuthCamera' class="camera" :device-position="devicePosition ?'front': 'back'" flash="off" resolution='high'> </camera> <view v-show="!tempImg && tipsText" class="tipV">{{ tipsText }}</view> </view> <!-- </u-circle-progress> --> <view class="footerV"> <view style="width: 100%;"> <view v-if="!tempImg" style="width: 100%;"> <view class="bottom-tips-2">该照片仅作为你认证的凭证</view> </view>
</view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { WX_API, H5_API, prefix } from '@/config/site.config.js'; import { createconsult } from '@/config/api.js' var _url = H5_API+ WX_API export default { name: 'index', components: {}, data() { return { tipsText: '', // 错误文案提示
tempImg: '', // 本地图片路径
BASE_API: '', cameraEngine: null, // 相机引擎
devicePosition: true, // 摄像头朝向
isAuthCamera: true, // 是否拥有相机权限
uploadUrl: _url + 'app-api/infra/file/upload', faceGetResult: '', count: 0, isload:false,//判断连拍
} },
onLoad(options) { this.initData() }, mounted() {
}, methods: { // 初始化相机引擎
initData() { // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// 1、初始化人脸识别
wx.initFaceDetect() // 2、创建 camera 上下文 CameraContext 对象
this.cameraEngine = wx.createCameraContext() // 3、获取 Camera 实时帧数据
const listener = this.cameraEngine.onCameraFrame((frame) => { if (this.tempImg) { return; } // 4、人脸识别,使用前需要通过 wx.initFaceDetect 进行一次初始化,推荐使用相机接口返回的帧数据
wx.faceDetect({ frameBuffer: frame.data, width: frame.width, height: frame.height, enablePoint: true, enableConf: true, enableAngle: true, enableMultiFace: true, success: (faceData) => { let face = faceData.faceInfo[0] if (faceData.x == -1 || faceData.y == -1) { this.tipsText = '检测不到人' } if (faceData.faceInfo.length > 1) { this.tipsText = '请保证只有一个人' } else { const { pitch, roll, yaw } = face.angleArray; const standard = 0.5 if (Math.abs(pitch) >= standard || Math.abs(roll) >= standard || Math.abs(yaw) >= standard) { this.tipsText = '请平视摄像头' } else if (face.confArray.global <= 0.8 || face.confArray.leftEye <= 0.8 || face.confArray.mouth <= 0.8 || face.confArray.nose <= 0.8 || face.confArray.rightEye <= 0.8) { this.tipsText = '请勿遮挡五官' } else { // this.tipsText = '请拍照'
// 这里可以写自己的逻辑了
this.handleTakePhotoClick() } } }, fail: (err) => { if (err.x == -1 || err.y == -1) { this.tipsText = '检测不到人' } else { this.tipsText = err.errMsg || '网络错误,请退出页面重试' } }, }) }) // 5、开始监听帧数据
listener.start() // #endif
}, // 拍照
handleTakePhotoClick() { // if (this.tipsText != "" && this.tipsText != "请拍照") {
// return;
// }
if(this.isload) return this.isload = true uni.getSetting({ success: (res) => { if (!res.authSetting['scope.camera']) { this.isAuthCamera = false uni.openSetting({ success: (res) => { if (res.authSetting['scope.camera']) { this.isAuthCamera = true; } } }) } } }) this.cameraEngine.takePhoto({ quality: "high", success: ({ tempImagePath }) => { this.tempImg = tempImagePath // this.isAuthCamera = false
uni.showLoading({ title: '人脸核身中,请耐心等待....' }) this.upLoad(tempImagePath) console.log('tempImagePath', tempImagePath) } }) }, async upLoad(imgPath) { console.log('然后这里imgPath1111', imgPath) // this.againEvent()
// return
const url = await this.UpImgResolve(imgPath, this.uploadUrl) this.faceGetResultEvent(url) console.log('然后这里imgPath', url, '9d1b7998-4949-46c7-a39f-726aad966664') // 然后这里imgPath 传过来的是 要上传的临时本地图片的路径
// 具体上传方法根据自己的请求方式 请求自己的接口
}, UpImgResolve(file, url) { let that = this let token = 'Bearer '+ this.$store.state.user.vuex_loginInfo.accessToken let _this = this let timer = new Date() * 1 // 处理接口超时异常
setTimeout((res => { console.log('3122223') uni.hideLoading(); that.againEvent() }), 10000) return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { uni.uploadFile({ url: _url + 'app-api/infra/file/upload',//接口
filePath: file,//要上传的图片的本地路径
name: 'file', formData: { path: 'complain/'+ uni.$u.date(timer, 'yyyy-mm-dd')+timer, type: 1, fileSuffix: "png" }, header: { Authorization: token, 'tenant-id': 1 }, success: function(uploadFileRes) { if (!uploadFileRes.data) return that.againEvent() const urlJosn = JSON.parse(uploadFileRes.data) console.log('拿到照片地址---',urlJosn.data) resolve(urlJosn.data) }, error(res) { console.log('313', res) uni.hideLoading(); that.againEvent() }, catach(res) { console.log('3122223', res) uni.hideLoading(); that.againEvent() } }); })
}, faceGetResultEvent(url) { let that = this console.log('走进核身---',url) uni.request({ url: that.faceGetResult, method: "post", data: { 'livenessType': 'SILENT', 'type': 3, 'imageUrl': url, 'identityType':2, 'url':url }, header: { 'token': uni.getStorageSync('accessToken') }, success: (res) => { uni.hideLoading() console.log('走进核身返回数据---',res ) if (res.data.code != 200) { uni.showToast({ title: '核身失败', icon: "none", mask: true, }) that.againEvent() return } else { that.$u.route({ type: 'tab', url: '/pages/tabbar/index/index' }); } console.log('res', 1111, res) }, fail:(res)=>{ console.log('核身失败原因---', res) }
}, // 失败后重新拉起人脸识别
againEvent() { uni.hideLoading() this.count++ if (this.count >= 5) { uni.showToast({ title: '核身失败', icon: "none", mask: true, }) return uni.navigateBack()
} setTimeout((res => { this.isload = false this.tempImg = false this.isAuthCamera = true this.devicePosition = true }), 1500) }
} } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> page { background: #fff; }
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